Op. Dr. Murat Bagisgil

Specialization: Urology Specialist
Date of Birth: 1968, Istanbul
Foreign Language: English Education
1977-1985 English High School for Boys EHSB- Nişantaşı Anatolian High School
1985-1991 Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine
1992-1997 Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology, Urology Specialist STUDY ABROAD
1990-1992 London Hospital Medical College, England
1997-1998 New York Memorial Sloane Kettering Center Urology, U.S.A.
2000-2002 Miami School of Medicine, Cedars Medical Center, Urology, U.S.A.

2007-2022 Damla Medical Center, Founder
2007-2010 Euromed Medical Urology Center, Tirana-Albania, Founder
2003-2007 International Hospital Urology IVF Unit, Istanbul
2000-2002 Miami School of Medicine, Cedars Medical Center, U.S.A.
1998-1999 Istanbul Cerrahi Hospital Urology Department and IVF Unit
1997-1998 New York Memorial Sloane Kettering Urology, U.S.A. Certificates
Radiation Protection in Diagnostic Radiology
ESWL Device Usage
I.V. NUTRIENT THERAPHY Areas of Specialization
Kidney Stone Disease Treatments: ESWL, Ultrasonic ESWL, Laser Surgery, Flexible Ureteroscopy, RIRS.

Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy.
Minimally Invasive Surgery, Holmium and Thulium Laser, Prostate Laser Treatments ANDROLOGY
Erectile Dysfunction and Penis Curvature Treatments: ESWT Shock Wave Therapy, P-Shot PRP, Penile Prosthesis Placement, Loss of libido treatments. Chronic Prostatitis ESWT Treatments.Premature Ejaculation Treatments: Penis Filling Treatment
Male Genital Aesthetic Applications: Penis Lengthening and Thickening Treatments Neurourology
Urination Disorders in Men and Women, Diagnosis and Treatment of Urinary Incontinence

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