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Elit Klinik offers telangiectasia treatment in the medical aesthetics department at its comprehensive aesthetic and medical clinic in Istanbul Valley. Telangiectasia are small, red blood vessels that are prominent on the surface of the skin and usually appear on the face and legs. This condition can be an aesthetic concern and is sometimes associated with varicose veins. Modern treatment methods applied at Elit Klinik include laser therapy and sclerotherapy. These techniques reduce the appearance of the affected veins, resulting in a smoother and healthier appearance of the skin. Elit Klinik prioritizes the patient’s health and aesthetic needs when treating telangiectasia conditions on the face and body. Laser therapy uses high-energy light to treat targeted vessels, reducing their appearance on the skin surface. Sclerotherapy, on the other hand, injects a solution into the veins, causing them to shrink and disappear over time.

Both methods offer effective results with minimal pain and discomfort.

Telangiectasia Treatment at Elit Klinik

Telangiectasia Treatment

Telangiectasia is a condition of fine red or purple veins that appear on the surface of the skin. It usually occurs on the nose, cheeks and chin on the face, and sometimes on the legs. The veins are characterized by dilation of the blood under the skin.

Which methods are used in the treatment of telangiectasia?

At Elit Klinik, laser treatment and sclerotherapy are used to treat telangiectasia. Laser therapy treats the veins by selectively targeting them, while sclerotherapy injects a special solution into the veins to close them.

How Should Care Be After Telangiectasia Treatment?

The skin area may be sensitive after treatment, so sun protection and the use of moisturizers recommended by the doctor are important. Also, avoiding heavy exercise for a certain period of time and drinking plenty of water promotes healing.

Telangiectasia Treatment Process


Patients first undergo a detailed skin examination.


The most appropriate treatment method is selected according to the patient’s condition.

Recovery and Aftermath

Treatment is administered and the healing process is closely monitored.

Facial Telangiectasia Treatment at Elit Klinik

Elit Klinik offers advanced treatment options for facial telangiectasia problems in its modern facilities in Istanbul Valley. Telangiectasia is characterized by the enlargement of fine red veins in various parts of the face, especially on the nose and cheeks. This condition is usually caused by genetic factors, prolonged sun exposure or chronic inflammation in the skin. The laser treatment used at Elit Klinik is an ideal solution to reduce the appearance of these veins. The laser light selectively treats the targeted vessels, resulting in the reduction of red lines and blemishes on the skin.

The treatment process is customized according to each patient’s skin type and severity of telangiectasia. The experienced dermatologists at Elit Klinik perform a thorough skin analysis at the first visit to determine the most appropriate treatment method for each patient. Laser treatment is usually fast and effective, resulting in minimal pain and discomfort, and patients can return to their normal lives immediately after treatment. In addition, Elit Klinik provides patients with detailed care instructions to support the post-treatment healing process and ensure the best results, thus increasing the effectiveness of telangiectasia treatment and maintaining skin health.

Telangiectasia Treatment Frequently Asked Questions

What is Telangiectasia?

Telangiectasia is the enlargement of thin, red or purple veins that appear on the surface of the skin. It usually appears on the face, nose and cheeks and can occur for a variety of reasons, including genetic factors, sun damage and chronic inflammation of the skin.

How is Telangiectasia Treated?

At Elit Klinik, laser therapy is primarily used for the treatment of telangiectasia. Laser beams target the enlarged vessels and cause them to shrink, reducing the red appearance of the skin. Other treatment methods such as sclerotherapy may also be used in some cases.

Is Laser Treatment Safe for Telangiectasia?

Yes, laser treatment is very safe and effective for telangiectasia. The laser technologies used at Elit Klinik are FDA approved and the treatment is performed by experienced dermatologists. Patients can usually return to their daily activities immediately after treatment.

Is Telangiectasia Treatment Painful?

There may be some mild discomfort during telangiectasia treatment, but this is usually very mild and of short duration. Most patients tolerate the treatment well and do not require anesthesia.

What Should Be Considered After Telangiectasia Treatment?

It is important to use sunscreen after treatment because the treated areas may be more sensitive to the sun. Also, using skin care products recommended by the doctor and keeping the skin moisturized promotes healing.

Are the Results of Telangiectasia Treatment Permanent?

Treatment for telangiectasia usually offers lasting results, but in some cases the veins may enlarge again over time. Regular skin care and sun protection help to ensure long-lasting treatment results. Repeat treatments may also be needed over time.

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